Forms and Information About Child Support

A history of domestic violence between you and the other parent can affect the custody or visitation arrangement for your children. The law presumes that the parent who committed the domestic violence might not get custody and visitation unless he or she meets certain requirements. These may include completing a batterer’s intervention or substance abuse treatment program. To find domestic violence, the law does not require the existence of a protective order or criminal charges. The divorce or custody judge may ask about domestic violence. If there has been domestic violence, you should talk with a lawyer about how this law will impact your case.

In Alaska, Civil Rule 90.3 lays out the formulas used to calculate child support, which differ according to the parenting plan found to be in the child(ren)'s best interests.

For most people, the most difficult part of this rule is figuring out their income or the income of the other party. The following resources help you better understand the rule, how to calculate income, how to get proof of income, and how the Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED) may be involved:

Calculations and Court Forms

The court must issue a child support order in custody, divorce, and dissolution cases with children. You must give the court your financial information so the court can calculate child support. Child support is calculated using the child support formula that matches your parenting time schedule. The child support formulas are in Alaska Civil Rule 90.3 .

To calculate child support you need to know:

There are 4 different child support schedules. Find your schedule and use the listed forms to calculate child support.

Primary Custody Child Support Schedule

The children all have the same parenting time schedule. They stay with one parent for 256 or more overnights each year. They stay with the other parent for fewer than 110 overnights each year.

Shared Custody Child Support Schedule

The children all have the same parenting time schedule. They stay with each parent for 110 or more overnights each year. Both parents have shared custody for calculating child support.

Divided Custody Child Support Schedule

The children do not all have the same parenting time schedule. Both parents have primary custody of 1 or more children. Neither parent has shared custody of any children.

Hybrid Custody Child Support Schedule

The children do not all have the same parenting time schedule. Both parents have shared custody of 1 or more children. One or both parents have primary custody of 1 or more children.

Child Support During Domestic Violence Protective Orders

If you are seeking a long-term domestic violence protective order and want custody of one or more children whom you have with the respondent, you are entitled to child support and may request it as part of your order.

You can make the request in the Petition for Protective Order, DV-100, or at the hearing by asking the judge. Use DV-100 ONE [Fill-In PDF] or DV-100 MULTI [Fill-In PDF] , depending on if you are the only petitioner, or if there is more than one petitioner.

Each parent should complete the Child Guidelines Affidavit, DR-305 [Fill-In PDF] . If you do not know exactly what the other parent makes, you should enter an estimate of what you think they make. The court will ask questions during the hearing to confirm the appropriate amount. You can bring the DR-305 form to the hearing, or you can file it before the hearing. You should also bring or file a copy of your most recent federal tax return and most recent pay stubs to verify income and deductions.

CSED Information and Links

The Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED) is the state agency that helps collect and disburse child support payments. In certain circumstances, CSED can also establish a support order or help with paternity testing. Please visit the CSED website for more information about its services.

Understanding the difference between a CSED Order and a Court Order can be very confusing and difficult because the agency has the power to do things that can look very court-like, but are not. If you have questions, please call the Helpline and we can try to help you figure out whether you need to proceed in court or the agency.

CSED Contact Information

Child Support Enforcement Division
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 310 (mailing)
655 F Street (physical location)
Anchorage, AK 99501-6699
(907) 787-3220 or 1 (800) 478-3300
TDD (Hearing/Speech Impaired) line: (907) 269-6894
FAX: (907) 269-6650

Hours: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Child Support Enforcement Division's Child Support Calculator

CSED has developed an on-line tool to help you estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case if there is a primary custody arrangement. You can use this without entering your name or any other identifying information.

Please remember there are other factors, such as visitation, unusual expenses or a tax deduction other than the standard deduction, which can affect the child support amount. Neither the court nor CSED is bound by the calculations you may obtain with this calculator.

Apply for CSED Services

Apply online for CSED services to establish and / or collect child support:

CSED Forms

Below are links to some commonly used CSED forms. Please remember that these forms are for CSED cases only and WILL NOT work in court. Please visit CSED's forms page for more information.

General Information About CSED

Forms to Apply or Withdraw From CSED Services

CSED Forms and Information For Domestic Violence Victims

Form to Request A CSED Modification Packet

Important Note: CSED orders can only be modified through CSED, but court orders can be modified by the court. Please call the Helpline if you have questions about how these procedures differ.

Form to Request Lowering CSED Withholding Because of Hardship